The World Is My Tomato!

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Breads Galore

Thursday was our last class before we take a Christmas break!

So we focused on breads and made 4 different types of breads using different techniques of kneading (hand vs machine) and adjusting the ingredients for different results. Class was led by Chef Hrudhvi. Realised that the making of breads is something that requires a lot of patience and understanding of the different ingredients and playing with their ratios to get the desired effect!

We first made Foccacia using machine kneading. After multiple proofings, and the addition of toppings, the bread finally went into the oven to come out looking absolutely delicious.

Look at that fluffy bread with its crunchy crust!

We then made a classic white loaf bread. This was kneaded by hand.

Then it was time for some Bloomer breads also kneaded by hand! We made some miniature ones.

Then last but not least we made an artisanal bread shaped like a baguette. I am told that the actual French baguette has its own specialised technique which is beyond the scope of our course so we learnt this instead.

All in all a rather productive day!

On another note, my chaat hunt continued and today I had Vada Pav-another famous Mumbai Chaat. Basically a bun with a spiced potato patty in the middle with a green spicy chutney and a sweet red chutney.

The afternoon session was helping with a video shoot for an upcoming Thai trade promotion in January. Guess what! We had Durians in the house and many in the Academy had never seen or tasted it!. Helped them open it and some of them tried the fruit and loved it!

Potential market for Malaysian Durian exporters?

With this my first 4 weeks is coming to an end. Tomorrow will be the day to pack and go home for Christmas and New Year before I return on 2 January to continue the course and take the exams.

Went for my final Yoga class in the evening and then stopped off for a hair cut at a local salon. Came out well so at least will now look nice over Xmas and New Year!