
Hello! Thanks for visiting my site!

I am Vani and I am passionate about food… good food. I enjoy cooking and creating and this is often done after a lot of contemplation.

I believe creating good food is an art and being a vegetarian myself, I am here to find ways and share with you how vegetarian food can be interesting and hopefully blow your mind in the process.

Through my creations I aim to blur the lines that are so often drawn in the debates between veg and non-veg food in terms of which is better. I would like to help you think about possibilities that the world is not just your oyster but it can also be a tomato… or any other vegetable for that matter:)

I am embarking on a journey.. to discover new possibilities in this space and contribute what I can towards making this world a better place for our next generation. This journey involves learning new skills in the coming 3 months on how to be a trained chef and in the process I hope to take my cooking and creation to the next level. I will be sharing my journey and my metamorphosis through this blog.

I am in my mid-fifties now and this is yet another reinvention of myself in the next stage of my life while I keep up with my other professional activities. I started my career as a qualified accountant and have been actively involved in Project Management and entrepreneurship for over 25 years.

Earth is the only planet we have for now and I think we all should do what we can to reduce the effects of climate change.