Let’s Start with Soups

I love making soups from scratch and they are hearty additions to many meals at our home.

We tend to make soups at least 2 or 3 days in a week. I often make soups using random vegetables depending on what I have in my fridge or pantry on a given day.

I sometimes also roast the vegetables and I find this gives it added flavours. I love playing with my soups-adding herbs and spices to pep things up here and there.

Take the example above-Broccoli, Pea and Mint Soup. When I first started making soups about ten years ago, I would usually make a Broccoli and Carrot. Over time I have dropped the carrot and replaced it with Peas and added Fresh mint leaves for a delightful fresh flavor.

I also rarely use stocks in my soup-preferring to let the flavours of the vegetables speak for themselves.


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