Risottos & Chocolates!

Back to class on Wednesday and it was a busy day of Continental Meals and Chocolates

We started with the Continental Meals. We made Mushroom Risotto, Pepper and Parmesan Risotto and Saffron Risotto. We also made a Shepherd’s Pie for the non-vegetarians and a Paneer with Paprika Sauce and Herbed Rice which I was told is one of my exam dishes.

It was interesting to learn about how all the different Risottos are made and when we use stock and when we don’t.

The fruits of our labour was heartily consumed over lunch!

Next up was my Chocolate Basics class with Chef Hrudhvi. After the morning’s pace this was a really fun class! We made Inclusion Bars (think Cabdury bars), Mendiants (the little pieces that get stuck on your dessert or presented on a tray as part of your hotel Welcomes), Filled chocolates (think Lindor Balls), Almond Rocks and last but not least Twix/Mars like bars with a biscuity base with caramel and nuts on top dipped in chocolate! A chocolate lovers’ paradise.

Since I was the only one in class I had a free hand in choosing my toppings and playing around with it ! (told you it was fun!

Chef Rakhee joined us for a few minutes showing how the chocolate bar decoration should be piped on!

Of course I didn’t eat all those chocolates. I have packed them all up nicely to gift them to people I will be visiting in the next few days!


How about some Guacamole?


Sides or Frozen Desserts Anyone?